The Right Way to Make Money with Public Domian Content

make money with public domain content

Can you Make Money Selling Public Domain Content (eBooks, Pictures, Movies, Songs)

One of the most effective yet underrated ways to make money online without creating content is by selling public domain content…

Low Competition, Low Effort, High Quality, High Demand and High Potential.

But before we discuss how to make money with public domain content…let’s first establish the basics.

What is Public Domain

The Public Domain refers to content that is not protected by intellectual property laws, such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws.

Basically, anyone can download and sell it as their own and keep 100% of the profit LEGALLY.

Yes, selling public domain content is absolutely safe and 100% legit.

You don’t need any permission or other contracts to sell these public domains…but yes, you got to make sure that the product you are selling is actually marked as public domain, or else you might end up in trouble.

How to Find Public Domain Content?

There is a detailed and effective way to best public domain content which I will be sharing later on in this article…

But for now, you can go and check the HathiTrust database…If the entire item is publicly accessible in the HathiTrust database, the library user is free to download and print that item then it is public domain content.

What is Considered Public Domain?

Content that was published before 1923 is 100% public domain…basically, the content whose copyright is expired enters the public domain…

This usually happens 95 years after the publication or 70 years after the death of the author.

Are Public Domain Content Worth Selling?

I know after reading the above statement, many might be wondering…is public domain content even worth selling?

It seems old and outdated content…ever heard about antiques? Classics? Legendary work?

Because that is what the public domains are…

Here you can find classics like Charlie Chaplin and Micky Mouse to Peter Pan and so much more…and you can even find some stunning and legendary artworks as well as some classic movies and music…which are completely free to sell.

public domain micky mouse peter pan and cahrlie chaplin

Isn’t that amazing?

Not many people know of this stuff, and that is where your golden opportunity lies.

This is probably the most simple yet effective way to make money selling already created content and keep 100% profit.

You can find exactly how to do it here

How to Make Money With Public-Domain Content

Making money with Public Domain content is easy but you need to know and I promise I’m gonna make it super simple for you.

Click on the link and you’ll find the step-by-step guide that will show you how to make money with the public domain.

this is the best money-making guide – here you’ll

  • learn how to make money selling public domain content,
  • along with that, you’ll find 228 best websites to find the content,
  • the best new releases, millions of free resources,
  • and 10 brand new ways to make money with public domains…

Isn’t that great?

Now some of you might be wondering…isn’t public domain old stuff, that many people would be selling already? Can you really make money with it?

Yes absolutely and let me show you how.

Not many people know this but every year on January 1st, a fresh batch of high-quality content is added to the public domain realm, and in this guide…you’ll learn exactly how to find and access them for you.

Now I also know the next and the most common question

Where can you sell this public domain content?

Well, this depends upon the way you wanna sell the public domain content.

If it is in the format of an ebook or a paperback you can sell it on Amazon Kindle, Draft2Digital, or other book platforms.

Or you can sell it on Gumroad.

If you wanna sell it as digital art or printables Etsy, teepublic are good choices.

or my personal favorite…Sell it on your own shopify store…in this way, you can keep the 100% profit without giving any cut to the platform…and you can start your own shopify store for as cheap as $1/month…isn’t that insane?

If you want to sell public domain content on Amazon Kdp and if you are worried that

Is selling Public Domain Content allowed on Amazon KDP? Will this land my KDP Account in danger?

Then let me answer it….Yes and No.

Yes, you are absolutely allowed to sell public domain content on Amazon KDP and No, It would get your Amazon KDP account in trouble as long as it is a Legit Publci Domain Content.

As you can see when you are uploading a book to Amazon KDP, it asks you if it’s your own creation or public domain content…So, yes it is completely safe to sell public domain ebooks on Amazon KDP Account.

can you publish public domain ebooks on amazon kdp

and in this training, you’ll learn exactly how to find high-quality public domain content along with 10 awesome ways to make money worth it.

What are you waiting for?

Get access to this training asap.

This training hasn’t been launched for more than 3 days as of today and it already has 300+ sales.

And right now for today, you can get it for the cheapest price possible, and as soon as the launch period is over…this product is gonna cost high because the creator doesn’t want it to be saturated…

Go ahead and buy it right now for less than $20 (the lowest price possible) and start making passive income online

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