Why Success isn’t Coming to You
I’m not much active on Quora but yesterday I had some time so I thought to take a look at it.
And what I saw is the reason why I’m posting this today
I had many answer requests & I thought It would be awesome to engage & help people, but what I saw really disappointed me
There were hardly any legit questions related to Digital Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Most of the Quora Questions not only the ones which requested my answers BTW, were related to people searching for free stuff
queries like which is the best free hosting? free domain register, ways to make money for free, free funnel builder, free keyword research tool & so much more
I was kinda disappointed with how people what to build their businesses solely on free resources. don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with using free tools but this is extreme, I engaged with some people on quora who wanted to build their full business & make money online just using free resources
they aren’t even ready to invest $10-$15.
I do use many free tools but the base foundation whether it is my website or my books I do invest money in them to make them better.
But the people weren’t ready to do anything, they want everything offered to them on a silver platter.
Yes, I do recommend free resources like Free blogging sites, free keyword research tools, free designing tools, etc but this is just to get you started.
Use free stuff, and limited resources that you have but at some point in time if you want to succeed you do need to invest.
Trust me if you think you can build a full-fledged business without even investing $30-$40 you are mistaken, my friend.
If you solely focus on free stuff, the audience you attract will be looking for free stuff as well & free + free=Free
As No one is investing money so no one will be earning money.
Stop thinking about making money online as a get-rich scheme or magical genie that will just give you money.
Nope. Making money online is a serious business opportunity especially here where I’m sharing only legit ways, real business ideas that can give you the financial freedom to live the life you desire.
Treat online business just like your offline business
Suppose you want to start an offline business, it can be as small as a vada pav stall, even then do you think you can do it for free?
Absolutely NOT right? you need money for the stall, for potatoes, spices, pav, cooking ware, etc.
You need an investment as small as it might be. you need to invest.
Money attracts money. It is a real fact & only when you accept this & ready to do it only then you’ll be able to make money.
Of course, I’m not saying go out there & spend all your money.
Just because I said money attracts money doesn’t mean go & spend all your money on useless things & expect to make money…NOPE
That is a financial sin.
What I’m saying is don’t be cheap towards your success.
Value yourself, and your goal enough to invest in it
Invest money in yourself, to make yourself better, to make your work better & better quality is a sure shot at better money.
For example, I started my first blog free on WordPress.com & worked on it for 2 years. I learned a lot but sadly I wasn’t able to monetize it better.
I had awesome content, and enough traffic but no way to monetize it.
When starting out I wasn’t sure about affiliate marketing & you can’t have AdSense on wordpress.com unless you upgrade.
So even though I did everything right, the platform being free restricted me to get maximum returns.
But honestly, I don’t regret it.
I had nothing to lose at the time so I was able to experiment a lot.
It help me find the best niches that work for me, and I got familiar with WordPress. I understood how a legit SEO-optimized article should be & so much more.
And today I’m happily investing in my website.
I have 7 blogs online right now, I’m paying 4 web hosting companies, and 2 domain registrars.
Earlier I used to use Yoast SEO but today I use Rankmath Pro for most of my websites
I use Canva Pro, Groove platinum, book bolt, and Semrush because they help my work
They make running my online business easy.
I’m not saying sign up for every pro version out there, nope but if you feel there is some tool that might be really helpful don’t hesitate to take the action & get it.
Because trust me when you invest in the right tools, you’ll get way more in return & you do need to do work. Just investing in the tool won’t be enough.
Another important thing where people are failing miserably is
Not Valuing time enough
As I said people want to get everything for free, so if there is something that needs to be done, rather than finding someone who can do it, they decide to do it themselves.
I mean, of course, learning new skills, and sharpening up your talent is always great & one should definitely do it But you need to know when to stop & ask others for help.
For example, there is something you have to do for your business/website but you don’t know how to do it.
If it is something that you might be interested in or if you are confident that you can do it then sure go ahead & self-taught using youtube.
But if it is something that is out of your zone, which is important enough that it needs to be done but doesn’t matter who does it.
Then why not just hire someone to do it?
I mean if you invest 5 hours in learning & doing it & might end up with an Okay-ish result, don’t you think it would be better to hire a professional who will do the exact thing that you want in a much more professional way & that to for like say $5?
The end result will be better & in the spare 5 hours, you could have done way better things to grow your business.
Ik some might say that by not hiring someone they saved $5…but I ask you was it worth it?
was $5 worth your time & effort?
When people invest time in things rather than money they fail to understand they are trading time for money. They are wasting the most precious thing they have for some pennies
This might upset some people but this is the harsh reality of life
Trading time for money is the biggest mistake you can do
If you spend suppose $100. then there is a 100% guarantee that you’ll earn those back somehow but even if you are the richest man on the earth, even then you can’t add a single second to a 24hr day
Not an extra second, even if you are ready to spend millions
so understand the value of your time
Don’t waste your time
I not saying to spend every second awake doing work, nope. but you need to have a clear idea about how you want to spend your time – your work, yourself, your family, your entertainment
Have a clear idea of how much time you want to spend on it & stick to it…most of the time
Do you think you don’t have enough time to chase your goals?
I often come across people who say they have so many ideas, their goals they want to achieve but they can’t because they don’t have time
Do you know what I think? it’s bogus
People say they are too busy with work, family, studies, and responsibilities that they just can’t find time to do what they want to do…in reality
They think they want to do it…but they don’t want to do it
Either they are not serious enough about it, they don’t value it much or they value it so much that they feel what if I do it & fail so they find excuses not to do it
This fear of failure is an indirect fear of success..and no I’m not judging anyone
I’m guilty of doing this – I started Digital marketing in 2017 & until 2019 I wasted my time so much
I used to say I would do this, would do that but I did nothing
Keep on dreaming but never really take action to turn that dream into a reality
Someone once said never refer to want you want to do, or what you want to achieve as a dream
Because there is no rule that dreams have to turn into reality
Rather refer to them as goals, aims things that you want to achieve & this simple mindset will help you to look towards your goals in an altogether different way
Want me to prove to you that you’ve all the time in the world but you are just not using it right?
Go to your smartphone setting, search for digital well-being (which happens to be in almost every smartphone) then check how much time have you spent on your phone.
It will have all the records of how much time you have spent on all the different apps on your phone
Check your last 30 days & tell me how much time you have wasted either watching youtube, scrolling social media, playing games, chatting, spending time on dating apps, or reading Bollywood/Hollywood gossip or useless facts
I can bet there will be at least 4 hours/day you have wasted & I bet if you use even 1-2 hrs of that into something productive
Your life would have been better
Again not saying stop social media, youtube, or even games because for one that is not realist 2 we do need them
Giving yourself some time to relax is not only fair but really important as well
We all have a limited period of time and don’t know what tomorrow is or if there is a tomorrow so do enjoy yourself but don’t lose focus on your goals
for example, fix 2-3 hours a day for just yourself, do what you love the most
It might be chatting with friends, scrolling through social media, reading a romantic novel, or playing games
do it. and don’t for a second think about your work while doing it but at the same time when you are working don’t let your mind wander around those things
Ik this became a rant but trust me the earlier you understand the importance of time the better
The more you value your time, the more valuable your time will be & you’ll be able to build yourself not only the career that you desire but also a life that you wanna live
Hope you understand this & do the needful
Best Book To Read For Time Management & Productivity
Now if you seriously want to know how to manage your time & increase your productivity then I strongly recommend you read this book, It is called make time & trust me it can literally change your life.
Or you can listen to this book as an audiobook for free here
Until next time, take care
Lots of love
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